Remote digital pilotage workshop in Randers: demonstrating and testing future solutions

In the picture: From Aprendio: Carsten Ellegaard, Mikkel Hansen & Edel Kutukova. From DanPilot: Brian Schmidt Nielsen, Jesper Eriksen, Hanne Hinrichsen & Jeppe Lykkegaard. Form DTU: Roberto Galeazzi. From Maersk: Camilla B. Larsen, Lasse Jørgensen, Brian Soberg Petersen & Paula Gonsalez, Maersk. From SDU: Perle Møhl.

On November 12, representatives from DanPilot, Maersk, DTU, SDU, and Aprendio gathered at DanPilot’s Navigational Control Center (NCC) in Randers for an intensive workshop to demonstrate and test the user experience for the NCC’s digital land-based pilotage solution and to get feedback and key insights from Maersk, who has been testing the solution on several vessels. This workshop, a key milestone for ShippingLab’s SL GREEN project, supported by Innovation Fund Denmark, highlighted future solutions for remote pilotage and the opportunities and challenges that come with them.


More than just technological development

Digital pilotage enables pilots to remain onshore while guiding ships through Danish coastal waters, eliminating the need for physical boarding. This solution aims to reduce the risks associated with boarding moving vessels, enhancing crew safety and significantly decreasing DanPilot’s environmental footprint, as well as reducing shipowners’ costs, time, and fuel usage. By replacing pilot boats with digital solutions, substantial reductions in CO₂ emissions and fuel consumption are achieved, allowing vessels to stay on course without deviations.


A solid and secure ship-shore connection

Effective remote pilotage requires a secure and stable communication platform that enables real-time video and audio transmission between the vessel and pilot station, along with access to essential navigational data. This platform must provide a smooth, robust connection and allow for the recording of critical data to document each pilotage operation. This extensive connectivity presents significant technical challenges and demands ongoing testing to ensure a reliable, user-friendly experience for both pilots and crew.


Workshop with demonstrations and user feedback

At this week’s workshop, participants, including representatives from DanPilot, Aprendio, Maersk, DTU, and SDU, experienced the solution firsthand at DanPilot’s Navigational Control Center. Following a demonstration of the physical setup, pilots from DanPilot and crew members from Maersk shared insights and feedback on the initial versions of the platform and its associated training modules. This user input is invaluable in guiding further development and optimisation.


Moving forward

With the potential to reduce CO₂ emissions and enhance safety in pilotage services, digital pilotage represents a significant innovation in the maritime industry. In this project phase, partners are working to develop a functional prototype of the communication platform, which will undergo further validation in the coming months. Upon successful implementation, DanPilot aims to gradually roll out this commercial service for digital land-based pilotage, pending legal acceptance.


SL GREEN is a project on the ShippingLab platform. ShippingLab is supported by Innovation Fund Denmark, the Danish Maritime Fund, DS Norden, and Lauritzen Fonden. Additionally, project partners contribute through self-financing.