About ShippingLab

It is the Danish Government’s stated ambition to maintain and expand the Blue Denmark’s position as a growth engine in the Danish economy. ShippingLab implements this ambition, having stakeholders across the maritime industry joining efforts on pre-competitive initiatives.

Long-term aim is to secure Blue Denmark’s position in the forefront of the global market. Short-term goal is to create quantifiable value by technology innovation within

  • Digitalization
  • Decarbonization
  • Safety

In combination, these are the most important focus areas for the future of ship operations. Digital is cross‐cutting all themes by creating a digital ecosystem. Sharing of data, standards and analytical models in open collaboration will enable faster development of maritime technology and new digital business models. Reliable models are a prerequisite for the future autonomous vessel, and more fuel‐efficient technologies is an important stepping‐stone towards the decarbonized future.

For Denmark to remain a frontrunner within shipping and state-of-the-art maritime technology, it is necessary to invest in ground-breaking research, development and innovation. The ShippingLab platform is just this – high level research projects in close collaboration between researchers and companies with a keen interest in forming the future of Blue Denmark.

With the launch of ShippingLab, the Danish maritime community initiates an ambitious platform for maritime research, development and innovation.

Based on valuable experiences from the work of Blue INNOship and a wide range of partners – from established, large corporations to new, emerging businesses, universities and maritime university colleges, GTS institutes, organizations and public authorities etc. – a valuable maritime collaboration on research, development, testing and validation of innovative solutions that supports the goal of creating Denmark’s first autonomous, environmentally friendly ship.